Belinda Wang received the B. A.Sc. degree (with honors) in 1986 and subsequently the M. Eng. degree in 1990 in Electrical Engineering from the University of Toronto. She joined the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the University of Toronto as a Tutor in 1986 teaching/coordinating tutorials and laboratories. She also held the position of Manager, PC network from 1988 to 1991 managing the departmental undergraduate computer networks. She was promoted to Senior Tutor in 1992 and then to the rank of Senior Lecturer in 1999. Since then Professor Wang has been primarily teaching 1st & 2nd year undergraduate courses such as digital systems, introductory to electronics, circuit theory, electrical fundamentals, electricity and magnetism and calculus. She joined the rank of Associate Professor, Teaching Stream in July, 2015. She also serves as the P. Eng. Czar in ECE Department since 2006 engaged in promotion of Professional Engineer designation amongst faculty members.