Michael Nicholson
Preferred Pronouns: He/Him/His
Position Title: Director, Accessibility Services (St. George Campus)
Institution/Organization: University of Toronto
Mike Nicholson is the Director for Accessibility Services on the St. George Campus, a role he has served in for 4 years, having served previously as Assistant Director. Mike is particularly committed to ensuring intersectionality, the elimination of institutional/attitudinal/societal barriers and student learning are at the heart of the work Accessibility Services undertakes, and in doing so ensuring the realities of each unique student are reflective in the supports the office provides. Mike holds Bachelor of Arts, Masters of Social Work and Masters of Education Degrees from the University of Toronto.
Session Title: CRTL +Shift + Accessibility: Leveraging Technology to create Accessible Learning Environments
EdTech Workshop Year: May 17, 2023