
Teaching with Quercus - Managing Online Discussions of Difficult Topics

Discussing difficult subjects is challenging in both face-to-face and online/remote teaching contexts, but when done well, can result in a meaningful learning experience for you and your students!


Lessons Learned from the Pandemic

Prof. Micah Stickel and Prof. Susan McCahan have been sharing Lessons Learned from the Pandemic in presentations (PDF file attached, below). What have we learned after a full semester online? Well, it has a lot to do with Goldilocks...


EngSci's Top 10 Recommendations for Online Learning

This list was compiled by the Division of Engineering Science (EngSci) Leadership Team. Links to resources were added by the EdTech Team. If you have questions about implementing a strategy suggested below, or any question really, we enourage you to book a consultation or send us an email at fase.edtech@utoronto.ca.


Engaging Students through a FASE Template

Time is of essence! Quercus is complicated, and teaching teams might not have enough time to create a source from scratch. This is why we've developed a FASE Quercus course template that can be imported and customized within your own Quercus course shell.


Kicked out from your BB Collaborate Session? Here's What to Do!

Spotty WiFi? Worried about getting kicked out of your own BB Collaborate session you were hosting? Fear not - we have a contingency plan!


Learning How to Create an Inclusive Online Space

Takeaways from the Open Conversation: Creating & Maintaining Inclusive Online Spaces session!


How to safely implement non-vetted tools in your course

Thinking about using a non-vetted, third-party tool in your course? Give this post a read to ensure you are implementing these tools according to U of T's guidelines for third party tools and using our practical safety suggestions. 


Implementing EdTech into your teaching

In learning theory, you hear a lot about taxonomies and models - Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives (1956), Fink's Taxonomy of Significant Learning Experiences (1940), Kolb's Experiential Learning Cycle (1984) are all great ones to star


Don't forget to hit record!

If possible, it is recommended that you record any live course sessions, to allow access for those who were not able to attend, had technical difficulties, or perhaps were unable to access the tech required to attend. This is, of course, a personal decision – thank you for considering it. Additionally, if you have PDFs or other annotated files, these could be shared with your class as well (pre- allows them to follow along; post- allows them to review).